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General Mental Health

Anxiety and Depression Association of America

National Alliance of Mental Health DuPage Chapter

When Bad Things Happen to Good People, Harold Kushner


Disconnected: How to Reconnect our Digitally Distracted Kids, Thomas Kersting

The Whole Brain Child, Daniel Siegel and Payne Bryson

1-2-3 Magic:  Effective Discipline for children ages 2-12, Thomas Phelan

Untangled- Guiding Teenage Girls, Lisa Damour, PhD

Raising Cain (Boys), Michael Thompson PhD and Dan Kindlon


The Mindful Way Through Depression, J, Mark and G. Williams

The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Depression, William Knaus, EdD

The Depression Workbook, Mary Ellen Copeland


Worry Wise Kids

The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook, Edward Bourne, PhD

Monkey Mind, Daniel Smith- this book is a personal memoir of his struggle with anxiety

Feeling Good, David Burns, MD


The Seven Principles of Making a Marriage Work, John Gottman PhD

The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman

Getting the Love You Want, Harville Hendricks, PhD


Autism Spectrum Disorder

By Your Side- Burr Ridge 630-590-5571

Autism Speaks

Total Spectrum Care- Elmhurst 844-332-3697

Rush Autism Resource Directory- Chicago 312-563-2272

Autism Services- Oak Park 847-338-2525

Charlies Gift- Hinsdale and Burr Burr Ridge 630-810-2100

Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD)- Oak Park 708-358-3000

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